Thursday, March 3, 2011

Adoption....what's the point?

Adoption....what's the point?  Is it to try and get a child who's birthmother did the least amount of drugs, drank as little as possible, took care of her body as much as I would have?  Is she taking her pre-natal vitamin everyday and avoiding blue cheese & lunch meat like I would?  Not to mention, no caffine!!  Is the point to try and get a baby that resembles me or Mark, or get as close to it as possible?  Brown hair & blue eyes please!  For some, YES and I can understand that!!  For us, not really.  Hmmm...what does adoption mean really?  Why 4 years of fertility and 7 miscarriages only to throw in the towel and adopt?  Why all that struggle and pain?  To know then what I know now right?  Well, we are beginning to see and experience what adoption can really be about.  We are content trusting God to bring us the child we are meant to have, the child we will have the privilege to raise in our home that honors the Lord and loves people.  The little soul that belongs with us and who we've been waiting for!  Could that child have difficulties in life due to the prenatal care they received or lack there of?  Maybe, probably?  Are we up for the challenge, I think so!  I happen to have an amazing husband who's open to the Lord in ways I don't even comprehend most days.  Only God knows the future and you know what.....that's ok with me!  In the meantime, we're taking our pre-adoptive classes learning things that are opening our minds and hearts to all the possibilities.  I joke to my friends who have the end of this process I'll be so trained as a parent and will have a pamphlet for everything!  :)  Thanks for journeying with us!